Gareth Michael

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How to be Happy in Life

As you’ve navigated life, how many times have you been asked: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” 

Was your response ever simply, “Happy?” 

If so, this profoundly connects you to wider society, as most people seek a joyful life, each on a personal journey to discover true happiness. 

What happiness means will differ from person to person. Someone may desire a life that is in line with their values. Others may seek a life of reduced stress, while others envision a life embracing imperfections with their loved ones. 

However you define happiness, there are many ways to feel happy again, with a few adjustments to your outlook and embracing healthy habits. Read on to learn how to approach every single day with a little more joy!

How To Be Happy: 15 Tangible Ways to Increase Happiness

Let's start with some good news: happiness can be worked on. Just like developing any skill in life, spending meaningful time practicing good habits, thoughts and behaviors can make you happier. 

But, there is no magic switch. While developing these small changes to lead a healthier, happier life takes effort and time, it is absolutely a worthwhile endeavor. You’ve come to the right place to start your journey to happiness.

  1. Practice Gratitude

    Gratitude is powerful. Not only being aware of the good in your life but actively taking time to express thanks towards yourself, others, and your surroundings can be profound for the mind and induce feelings of contentment and enthusiasm. Studies have shown that regularly practicing gratitude positively impacts both mental and physical wellbeing, and can lead to improved relationships with friends, family, and work colleagues. 

    Here are some easy exercises to start practicing gratitude today:

    • A gratitude journal or gratitude list to remind yourself of the gifts, grace, benefits, and little things that happen every day.

    • 5-minute gratitude meditation. 

    • A gratitude jar.

    • Express your gratitude to others and yourself daily.

  2. Prioritize Time in Nature

    Get outside every day—even for a short walk! If you live in a city, research local green spaces that you can spend time in. Being immersed in nature is linked with reducing anger, anxiety, stress, and fear and supports positive emotions.

  3. Connect with Your People

    If you have been feeling lonely (and even if you haven't been), investing in your close relationships is paramount in finding happiness in life. Happiness is indeed contagious, so aim to be around happy people who are joyful and supportive of you. Interpersonal relationships help us to remain optimistic, feel less stressed and just have a good time.

  4. Move your Body

    Exercise releases dopamine, aka the happy hormone! Do whatever form of exercise that makes you happy - walk, dance, hike, bike, run or do yoga. Aim to move your body 3-4 times a week, for around 30 minutes.

  5. Catch plenty of Zzz

    Adults need at least 7 hours of sleep every night to help improve mood and to manage their immune system. Here are a few tips to help you build a better sleep routine:

    • Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.

    • Reserve the hour before bed as downtime. 

    • Keep your bedroom dark, cool, quiet, and tech-free. 

    • Invest in high-quality bedding and black-out blinds.

  6. Declutter

    To avoid a messy home, which can lead to increased stress and anxiety, spend time every week (just 20 minutes will do it!) to tidy, clean up and organize your space.

  7. Go Tech-Free

    Dedicate a time that works for your schedule to be tech-free: this means no phone, no tv, and no computer, and spend that time doing something different like completing a puzzle, reading a good book, or cooking a nice meal.

  8. Volunteer your Time

    Volunteers aren’t just helping the communities they serve, but volunteers can experience a real boost in their mental health, lower their blood pressure and decrease mortality while building resilience. Find a local cause that you are passionate about and connect with other like-minded volunteers regularly.

  9. Develop Goals

    Creating goals provides a sense of purpose while improving self-esteem and mood. You should align your goals with a passion that energizes you! A goal can be whatever you want, from growing your own herbs to running 10km or drinking more water.

  10. Self Compassion

    Challenge your inner critic by speaking to yourself the way you would talk to a friend or a young child: with kindness and patience. Start by recognizing these thoughts and challenge them to be more positive and productive.

  11. The Gift of Time

    Little wins can bring immense joy. Gift yourself additional time, which you can then spend doing something you love by:

    • Ordering groceries to be delivered.

    • Taking a cab.

    • Hiring help for tasks like building furniture or painting.

  12. Create Strong Boundaries

    Setting boundaries can lead to increased personal peace, joyfulness, and calmness. Remember to: 

    • Understand your limits.

    • Communicate your boundaries with others.

    • Don't be afraid to say no, inviting more time to say ‘yes’ to things you love.

    • Schedule time for yourself.

  13. Avoid Comparison of Others

    Theodore Roosevelt said it best when he said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Comparing yourself to others will hold you back and lead to unhappiness, as it is unrealistic and draining. The only person that's helpful to compare yourself to is your previous self. Listen to your heart, and follow your own, beautiful path.

  14. Take Up a New Hobby

    Starting a hobby that you enjoy—learning to skateboard, paint, woodwork, or do pottery—can help lower stress and anxiety and lead to an increased sense of belonging and joyfulness.

  15. Learn to Let Go

    Perhaps you've experienced a traumatic experience or can’t let go of an annoying incident with a coworker. Holding on to these negative feelings can result in unhappiness. Learn to identify emotional patterns that prevent you from letting go and make an effort to change those thought patterns.

Discover Happiness from Within

As you have seen from the above examples, there are many ways to achieve more happiness in your life through time and persistence. Think of each example above as a new tool in your happiness toolbox, which you can pull out in a time of need. 

Another valuable tool towards reaching true happiness is spiritual coaching and therapy from Gareth Michael. Gareth will work with you to understand the root of your situation and develop a plan to improve your life, wellbeing, and overall happiness. Schedule a free discovery call to learn more! Always hold tightly onto hope. Happiness is always possible.