What is Manifestation?

Have you ever wished that you could bring your dreams, visions and desires to reality? Perhaps you’ve heard of others’ successes and wondered, what is their secret? If you’re ready to take the next step towards creating a more empowered and positive life, then manifestation could be exactly what you’re looking for. In this blog you’ll learn more about what manifestation is, how it can benefit your well-being, and where to begin with your practice.

What is Manifestation and why do people do it?

You’ve probably come across people talking about abundance, but what exactly is manifestation? Well, in simple terms it means to bring a thought or intention to reality, through belief. And with life continuing to feel turbulent for many in recent years, it’s no surprise that people are looking for ways to feel more empowered and live more positively. 

Whilst at first it might seem like an overly spiritual concept, American author Gabrielle Bernstein believes that we are actually manifesting in every moment of our lives, without even realising it. She calls it co-creation and tells us that we are all beings of energy, and our energy is always sending a message to the Universe. She believes that our thoughts and feelings have a direct bearing on our experience, and uses an example of someone wanting to create more abundance. If they are feeling a sense of lack and place their focus on what they don’t have, then that energetic thought and feeling will continue to manifest as an experience of lack.

Does Manifestation work?

Many modern-day thought leaders, such as Louise Hay and Dr Joe Dispenza, have written about manifestation, detailing their own experiences and successes. But the question on many peoples’ lips is, is manifestation real? Well, whilst the jury is still out when it comes to scientific studies on manifestation, what can be agreed is that having a growth mindset increases the likelihood that you are able to bring your thoughts and desires to reality. This is demonstrated in Dr Carol Dweck’s research on the subject, and her subsequent book, Mindset: Changing the way you think to fulfil your potential. She explains that when we are plagued with limiting beliefs and expect the worst to happen in life, this often becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as we aren’t able to take the action needed to make changes. By developing a more positive mindset, we create a healthy relationship with ourselves, better mental health, and we are more likely to believe that what we are trying to attract will happen. 

From a more spiritual perspective, manifestation is closely linked to the Law of Attraction, a popular method brought to fame by Rhonda Byrne in her book, The Secret. It is based on the idea that our thoughts are a form of energy and each carries its own vibration. When we spend time focusing on these thoughts, our experience will match their energetic vibration. 

There have also been many reports of success with a practice known as the 369 method. Rising to fame on social media platform Tiktok, it is based on the idea that you write down what you’d like to manifest three times in the morning, six times during the day, and 9 times in the evening. It claims to work in a similar way to that described in The Secret, by placing focus, belief and repetition on something that you desire to bring into your life. 

What can be agreed is that to manifest successfully, we must co-create with the Universe, work on our mindset, and take aligned action towards our thoughts and desires.

How to manifest successfully

Manifestation can feel simple. Many confuse the concept of manifesting by thinking that they can ask for something that they want, and it will appear immediately. Some people wonder, is manifesting bad? When used properly, it can be a wonderful tool for growth, and create positive change in our lives. It’s important to remind ourselves that we cannot control other people; we only have control over our own experience, and so we must trust and accept that when we manifest, it is for the highest good of all. 

Here are 5 steps to help you manifest love, abundance, the home you dream of, or anything else that feels in alignment with your deepest desires!

Step 1 - Work out what it is you want to manifest

Take time to connect with your heart – how would you like to feel each day? What would you most like to bring into your life? If this feels unclear, give yourself space to work it out. It might not be something physical, it might be a feeling that you want to experience more of. Get clear on this part and you’ll find it easier to take the steps to make it a reality.

Step 2 - Practice gratitude for where you are currently

It is thought that gratitude plays a big part in manifestation. When we practice gratitude, our mindset is changed to one of abundance and we feel good. If feeling abundant attracts more of the same, we are likely to be more successful when we start manifesting. Can you find ways to feel appreciation for your life as it currently is? Try keeping a daily list, or practice noticing little ways that you feel grateful each day.

Step 3 - Focus on your desires - it’s time to bring them to life!

How would you feel if you were already living the life you dream of? You might like to make a vision board, use affirmations (e.g. I am… or I have…), or journal. Visualisation is a powerful tool which can be used in meditation or at other times. How does it feel to know you already have what you’d love? What does it look like? Keep that vision of what you want alive! 

Step 4 - Notice where you are in resistance

Is there a part of you that doesn’t believe that you can bring your dreams to life? This is your opportunity to work on your mindset and recognise what might be limiting your ability to manifest the things that you want. You could try journaling or using positive affirmations, which are a great way to reprogramme the brain’s subconscious beliefs. 

Step 5 - Surrender - have patience and trust

Remember that co-creating with the Universe takes time and patience. Now is your opportunity to continue aligning your thoughts and actions with that of what you wish to bring in. Use this time in surrender to let go of anything that is not in alignment with your manifestations and to trust that what is in your highest interest will indeed come your way.

Next steps on your Manifestation journey!

If you feel drawn to the idea of manifesting and are ready for guidance in exploring this further, then our spiritual coaching sessions are here to support you. A fantastic way to help address blocks and cultivate more connection within, spiritual coaching will support you in becoming a master manifestor! You can find out more about how to book a free discovery call here: The Best Spiritual Coaching Services — Gareth Michael


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