The Spiritual Meaning of Ringing Sounds

When it comes to spiritual experiences, spirit often finds a way to subtly raise our awareness, and ability to explore this energy, without introducing or triggering fear. If you’ve experienced strange ringing or high frequency sounds in your ears before, you may have felt called to ask, “What does ringing in the ears mean spiritually?” These experiences are meant to be somewhat comforting, often giving us the curiosity to want to explore further - which wouldn’t be possible if every experience with spirit was a fearful one.

Wherever you are in your journey, no matter how little or how advanced your experience has been with spirit to date, they are always finding new ways to show their presence. And one of the ways we may experience their presence is through ringing in the ears. But what does ringing in the ear mean spiritually? Well, every spiritual experience is different; it may take time and patience for you to be able to notice the signs, and then translate what it is that is trying to be communicated to you. These signs often appear when you least expect them, and their signals will vary, depending on the timing in your life and the message they’re trying to deliver. There will always be a strong link between the message and the life events that are currently going on around you. These types of messages have been shown to us our entire lives, but we’ve never been taught how to make sense of them.

They are often communicated to us through the five different senses that we all experience throughout life - sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch. In this particular article, we’ll be focusing on hearing, and I’ll lead you through the spiritual meaning of ringing in the left ear, right ear, and both ears collectively. 

Ear ringing is very common during a kundalini awakening. As the body rises in consciousness, its vibration changes and we experience a rush of energy throughout the body. Whilst this time of greater awareness and expansion can feel intense, it provides a great opportunity to connect with spirit and tune in to any possible message that is trying to come through.

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Is The Ringing In Your Ears a Spiritual Sign?

Each of our senses are sensitive, but some more than others. If spirit were to communicate through sight and touch, it could feel overwhelming or even induce fear, particularly for those who haven’t had much experience with spirit before. When it comes to smell and taste, more often than not, people put it down to a coincidence and therefore can find it easy to justify and dismiss. Whereas, when we hear a ringing sound or a voice in our ears can be intrusive enough to get our attention, but not too much to cause fear. 

When you experience ringing, it’s important to pay attention and listen intuitively to what the spiritual sign and spiritual meaning of the ringing might be representing. When a spirit guide or guardian angel interacts with you in this way, no matter which ear it is with (or both), there’s a baseline meaning that can apply to everyone.

Ringing in your ears can mean that you’re becoming more sensitive to the energies around you, which can be a preparation for the upcoming stages in your spiritual journey. Often the first step to take when your ear/ears begin to ring is to slow down in the moment. Take the time to tune in with your mind, body and emotions. Take this time to understand what energy and soul are looking to communicate with you at this moment in your journey. Each communication will bring you another step along in your spiritual awakening, when you can fully understand it mentally, emotionally, and physically. 

Each ear and the ringing which is presented can mean different things. Examples can include a buzzing sound, a pitch ringing sound, or an intense or soft ringing noise. A high-pitched sound is believed to be indicative of good fortune coming your way. Whereas a lower, buzzing sound could be linked to receiving messages from your higher self. These sounds can also be messages informing you when there is negative energy in your space that needs clearing. When you notice a sound, consider making a note in a journal of what you’re doing, where you are, who you’re talking to or what you’re thinking about. There’s always a pattern, and ringing in the ears is a sign that spirit guides, angels, and guardian angels are communicating with us. It is our responsibility to pay attention and break it down, so that we can use these spiritual communications more efficiently on our own spiritual journeys.

There is no right and wrong when it comes to spirituality or spiritual experiences. I ask each person to go with the explanation that feels right for them, as everyone receives messages differently. These experiences should never be so intense that it becomes painful, so please take caution when developing your spiritual / psychic abilities. In some instances what people deem as a spiritual experience may be part of a medical condition that needs attention from a medical practitioner.

In my experience, when it comes to the ringing in either ear, there’s a very simple method in the beginning to understand the message that’s trying to be delivered. Each person has a masculine and feminine side of the body. Regardless of gender, the left side of the body is the feminine side, and the right side is masculine. The side that you experience ringing on may indicate how spirit is trying to get your attention. The pitch, volume and frequency with which you experience the ringing will change depending on what level they need to get your attention.

Ringing In Right Ear

When we look at ringing in the right ear, spiritually this is connected to the right side, or masculine side of the body. So when this catches our attention, the message that is trying to be conveyed will likely focus on the masculine side of the person’s life. Masculine energy in any person represents logic, confidence, focus, strength, stability, vision, assertiveness and life goals for moving forward. Exploring these different areas and making connections with our physical world, will help you with your own spiritual growth. 

Ringing In Left Ear

When I speak with someone experiencing a left ear ring, I like to begin questioning their life based on the feminine side. Often the feminine energy in any of us represents many things; our intuition, the giving part of us, our nurturing side, creativity, collaborativeness, caring, and the ability to be grateful in life. Could this ringing in your left ear give you some insights as to which areas of your life need attention?

Each person will experience ringing in different ways, perhaps in the left or the right ear. But what does ringing in both ears mean spiritually? This ringing that you are noticing can indicate that you’re about to embark on, or perhaps already going through, a spiritual awakening. It can be a sign that your psychic abilities are strengthening, or a call to 

Paying attention to what these messages may mean allows us to explore these areas and make a connection with our own life. Is there an understanding, teaching or lesson that spirit is trying to communicate with us? This helps to build awareness on a conscious level that was previously only understood on a spiritual level. It’s important to create a safe space to understand and heal any weaknesses that we discover while giving our honest answers. It can be helpful to have the assistance of a spiritual teacher or therapist to support you in making these connections. 

If the ringing lasts for an extended period (continuous over a number of days), as mentioned before it’s important to seek a medical check-up. Spirit is always directing you towards something that needs your attention, whether it’s a medical issue or something energetic. This process is all about educating yourself on how spirit communicates with you, and tuning your five different senses into this communication.

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Ears Ringing During Meditation

If you find yourself experiencing ringing during a meditation, spend time being present with it at that moment. Stay open to any messages that will drop in. Once finished, you will have time to take what spirit communicated with you in the session and begin exploring from there at your own pace.

Often, spirit won’t provide another spiritual experience until you completely understand the previous one. Exploring the meditation afterwards can equally be as important as entering the meditation to start with. Notebook and pen are always a must when it comes to your spiritual journey!

After identifying what you feel these different messages might mean for you, you can begin to make the much-needed adjustments in your life that you are being guided towards. When spirit uses any of your senses, they’re trying to raise your awareness to assist you. This always leads to a more purposeful and fulfilling life that is unique to you.

Strengthening Your Connection With Spirit

It can be easy to over-complicate the process of connecting with spirit, so it can be helpful to gain support when it comes to unwrapping the messages and taking practical steps. Spiritual coaching could be for you if you are keen to learn more about spirit communication, and use this on your own spiritual path. You can find out more about how we can support you here: The Best Spiritual Coaching Services — Gareth Michael


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