Gareth Michael

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Spiritual Meaning Of Dreams About Cheating

Dreaming about your partner cheating on you can leave you feeling shocked and confused. These types of dreams can feel real, but are they anything to worry about? 

Have you ever wondered, ‘What does it mean when I dream about cheating?’, or ‘What is the spiritual meaning of dreams about boyfriend cheating?’ Dreaming of your boyfriend, partner, or husband cheating likely doesn’t mean what you think it does. 

If you’re wondering, ‘What do cheating dreams mean spiritually?’, then read on to find out more about the spiritual meaning of dreams about your partner cheating. Discover how our dreams can be impacted by everyday life, and the possible spiritual meaning of your partner cheating on you in a dream.

What factors can influence our dreams?

When it comes to the spiritual meaning of dreams about cheating on your partner, what we’re experiencing in our waking life can affect our dreams. It’s not uncommon to dream about other people

Here are some of the factors that might be influencing the dreams you are having:

Stress and anxiety

When experiencing high stress levels and worry, we’re more likely to experience distressing dreams. For example, you might dream that your partner cheats. This is because stress affects our ability to keep a steady and balanced dream state. 


Any heavy feelings or emotions felt such as guilt, often affect our sleep patterns. These unexpressed emotions commonly play out in dreams, as we try to identify our path to happiness. If you’ve been dreaming of your partner cheating, spiritual meanings can help us to identify and process these feelings.


When we experience illness, our brain is not able to function fully. For example, the body overheats during a fever, and the brain’s regular cognitive functions can’t maintain their usual flow.


If you’re wondering ‘What do cheating dreams mean spiritually when pregnant?’, this is a common occurrence. During this time of change, insecurities can build up in the subconscious mind, which plays out as dreams. The hormone changes experienced in pregnancy may also disrupt sleep patterns.

Substance use

It’s very common to experience intense dreams during substance use. This is due to substances affecting the REM stage of sleep, and increasing the speed at which this occurs.

Mental health issues

It is thought that those suffering from mental health issues are more likely to experience distressing dreams than those with good mental health. Many medications used to treat mental health conditions will have side effects, which include altered dreams.

What does it mean when you dream about cheating?

Dream analysts believe that our dreams may contain a deeper meaning for all of us. Whilst they may feel real at the time, dreams about spiritual cheating are rarely literal in their meaning. When we experience dreams about infidelity, spiritual meanings can help us to process other things that are going on for us.

There are many different reasons why our minds might choose to play out these scenarios and you might be filled with worry, wondering about the spiritual meaning of dreams about husband cheating on you. But by understanding the deeper spiritual meaning of dreams about being cheated on, we can gain insight into our own emotions, as well as the dynamics of our relationship. 

So what does it mean to dream that people cheat? And could the spiritual meaning of cheating dreams hold a deeper message for you? Whether you are having unsettling dreams about your partner, or you dream of boyfriend cheating, spiritual meanings can help you to identify the deeper causes here.

Here are just a few of the things this kind of dream may represent:

You are feeling jealous of another person

When we feel insecure, our dreaming mind can turn the feelings we have been experiencing into a dream about infidelity. Perhaps your partner has been spending a lot of time with someone else, and it’s left you feeling jealous. Tune into the message this has for you; are you comparing yourself with others?

You’re experiencing abandonment issues

If you’ve been abandoned or rejected by a previous partner, or even family members, then abandonment issues could be the spiritual meaning of dreams about partner cheating. If you feel betrayed, you are more likely to dream about your boyfriend or partner abandoning you, fearing that history may repeat itself. 

You’re feeling neglected

Not spending enough time together could be a dream meaning of your partner cheating. This is an opportunity to talk to your partner and tell them how you are feeling. 

You’re experiencing trust issues

Whether there have been trust issues in a past relationship, or you’ve reason to suspect that something isn’t right currently, dreams of your partner cheating, or you having cheated on your partner, are likely your mind’s way of working through these emotions. Once you have tuned in on what this could mean for you, the best way to deal with this lack of trust is to have an honest conversation with your partner. 

There’s uncertainty about your relationship

If you’ve been pondering on the future of your relationship, your subconscious mind could be symbolically bringing these real life feelings into your dreams. Perhaps you’re feeling guilty for some of the thoughts you’ve been having, or worrying that your partner has a different outlook on you. Take this as an opportunity for honesty so that you can both move forward in whatever way is right for you. 

Key takeaway

Dreams can be unsettling, especially when they involve people and situations that are close to our hearts. It’s easy to overthink these dreams, but the truth is, their meaning may not be as obvious as you think. The spiritual meaning of cheating may be very different and contain hidden answers that will help guide you on your spiritual journey.

If you’d like to delve deeper into the spiritual meaning of being cheated on, working with a spiritual coach can offer you the expertise and safe space to help you uncover hidden meanings. Get in touch today to book your session and explore what these dreams mean for you.