Gareth Michael

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What Should I Do with My Life? - Questions to Find Your Purpose

If you’ve ever found yourself saying, ‘I don't know what to do with my life’, then you will more than likely benefit from discovering your life’s purpose! But what does finding purpose mean, and how can this help us to discover our true calling?

Life around us is fast-paced, and when we’re caught up in it daily, it prevents us from being as in-tune with ourselves as we are perhaps designed to be. Each of us is here with a purpose, which will be meaningful to us, and help us to make an impact on the world. Living a purposeful life isn’t just about living in a way that resonates with you, but also about living a life that brings you joy.

If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What am I doing with my life?’, then purpose work will help to guide you on a journey towards creating a more fulfilling life.

The Importance of Finding Your Purpose in Life

‘What should I do with my life?’ is a common question for many people. The purpose of life isn’t something we’re necessarily supposed to understand at a young age. It can take much soul-searching and journeying through life to discover your purpose, and we often have to experience feeling stuck in order to work out what the point of life is.

Having a clear sense of purpose has many benefits for us, including helping our mental health. A person who understands their true purpose and is able to live in alignment with it, will feel at home in their life. Purpose is something that gives us meaning, and allows us to shape our lives. When times feel uncertain, having a strong sense of who you are and what you’re here to do, will help you to navigate challenges, and ultimately live a happy life.

People who have a strong connection to their purpose will find it easier to answer internal questions such as, ‘What do I do?’ Purpose gives us meaning and direction when we might otherwise feel lost and unable to move forwards.

Preparing for Self-Reflection

If you’re wondering how to find your purpose, this will come from within you. Connecting with the deepest parts of yourself, and understanding yourself on a deeper level, will not only help you to work out what it is that brings you joy, but what gives your life meaning too.

Introspection is important to help you find your life purpose. It can be challenging to find the headspace to connect with your heart, so by creating a space without distractions, you can hopefully more easily tune in to what gives your life meaning. Try setting aside space for quiet time and asking yourself questions such as, ‘What is my purpose in life?’ You could also try journaling your thoughts around life purpose and see what comes to you. The quieter you can get, the more likely you are to be able to tune into what your heart is saying, and find your true calling.

5 Essential Questions for Discovering Your Purpose

Self-reflection can be a powerful way to connect with yourself, and experience long term transformation. If you’re ready to move from ‘I don't know what i want in life’, to understanding your purpose, here are some questions that will help you in uncovering these answers:

1. How do you most like to spend your time?

Our life purpose is a part of who we are, so honing in on the ways you love to spend your time will help point you towards what you’re here to do.

2. What would you like to change in your life?

This question will open up your imagination and creative side, and help you to discover what you’d really love to be doing.

3. Who do you most admire and why?

This can give you a good insight into who and what inspires you, and why these particular values might be important to you.

4. What do you feel strongly about?

Discovering your purpose is about finding more meaning, and discovering your inner passions. How could you use your purpose to make a difference?

5. What did you enjoy doing as a child?

Often, our purpose is already ingrained in us, but we complicate things as adults. Sometimes the simplest way to find out what your purpose is, is to take a look at what we’ve always loved doing, and what brought us joy early in our lives.

Analyzing Your Responses

Reflecting on some of these answers can give you a great insight into connecting with your purpose. You might have found it challenging to answer, or in contrast, may have found much more coming up than you were expecting. The truth is that the answers are always within, we simply need to make that quiet space in order for us to hear them.

Whether you tune in through meditation, walks in nature, or by journaling, quiet space allows us to connect with our inner truth. These thought-provoking questions will likely see you expressing feelings and emotions that weren’t at the forefront of your mind.

Many people choose to create purpose statements, which can be used for focus. Setting your intention with this statement can be a powerful way to energetically move forwards. With your purpose in mind, this statement can help to shape other parts of your life, and acts as a reminder of what you are here to do.

As you reflect on your answers, you will be able to spot any common thought patterns, or significant feelings. Lean on your intuition here to help you feel your way towards your purpose. What feels right? And what feels exciting?

Aligning Your Purpose with Your Actions

For people wondering, ‘What do I do with my life?’, that realisation that there is more out there means that aligning this purpose with action is vital. Once you’ve identified what your purpose is, you need to begin living it. This means taking action towards embracing this new way of living more purposely. It might mean taking a look at your career path, work life balance or ways you are spending your free time. It’s important to reflect on your newfound discoveries, and make choices that will help to bring you closer to how you want to live. You might find it helpful to set short term goals, or focus your intentions in other ways.

Aligning with your purpose requires you to take an honest look at your life, and let go of the things that are no longer serving you.

The Evolving Nature of Purpose

Our purpose can change over time due to many factors. Perhaps we may develop different interests, meet new people, or find ourselves suddenly on a new life path. The things that drive us in life can change, and when we are faced with new and unexpected situations, it can completely cause our outlook on life to evolve.

Because our purpose is so in-tune with who we are, it will naturally evolve over time, as we grow and change. The purpose you discover right now, may not look the same in a year’s time, so it’s important to make regular introspection a part of who we are. This will help us to listen to that voice within and make any changes we need to, to help us keep in alignment with ourselves.

Seeking External Guidance

If you’ve spent a long time thinking, ‘I don’t know what to do with my life’, and wondering, ‘What is my purpose?’, then seeking help from someone with experience in this field could offer you the guidance and support you’re looking for. Whilst introspection is essential when you are tuning into your purpose, working with someone to unearth this more fully will offer you clarity and a fresh perspective.

There are many different experts such as mentors, counselors, and coaches like Gareth, who can help you to refine and understand your purpose.

Key Takeaways

We are all here to live a powerful life, filled with meaning, potential and experiences that make us feel joyous. Discovering our life purpose, and then living a more purposeful life, will help us to feel more in alignment with the deepest parts of who we are.

The answers are always inside of us, we simply need to create the space and the time to listen. When we use self-reflection and introspective questioning, we will begin to discover more about who we are, and what’s important to us.

Purposeful living asks us to reassess and make fresh choices, so that we can live more in alignment with these new ways of being. Be gentle with yourself as you begin to live more intentionally, and discover more of your own inner truth.

Discovering your purpose isn't a one-time event but a journey. As you traverse this path of introspection, having an experienced guide can make all the difference. Gareth Michael, with his wealth of experience and empathetic guidance, stands ready to accompany you. Dive deep into the quest of self-understanding with Gareth's expertise, guiding you towards clarity and fulfilment.

Contact Gareth today to pave your way towards a life of meaning and purpose. Your journey towards a purpose-driven life begins now.