How to Manifest Someone: The Honest Reality

Manifestation has been talked about for a long time, and as every year goes by, there are more and more people curious about if and how it works. Depending on what article or book you read there can be large varying opinions about the manifesting process.

Manifestation can relate to a lot of areas of an individual's life. Yet, when it comes to this topic, the question I get asked most often is, “how do I manifest someone” or “how do I manifest someone to text me”. These are mostly driven by the desire to find a romantic partner, or that special someone into your life. Some of the answers around manifesting someone may surprise you, but I’ve broken them down into easy steps, with my honest thoughts on how to approach it all.

Learning how to manifest someone into your life can be a slow process. And your perspective on the success of manifesting a specific person, or not, will depend on exactly what it is you’re trying to manifest in an ideal partner. Manifesting any relationship can be a simple task, but how do you manifest someone that you can emotionally connect with and form a deeper kind of love? This can be a little bit more complicated. If you simply want to be in a relationship - because being alone doesn’t feel like an option or there is fear of being on your own - then manifesting can be a speedy process. On the other hand, learning how to manifest your soulmate - someone you truly love and who understands - can take patience and much self-development.

My work as a manifestation coach has seen me spend over a decade being deeply involved in working with manifestation techniques, the law of attraction, and raising your vibrational frequency. I have spent much time exploring whether manifestation works and questioning it all. The conclusion I have come to is you can undoubtedly find the ‘one’, but firstly you have to define what the ‘one’ is for you.

Before considering how to manifest someone, it’s important to question the reason you want to be in a relationship. Being in a relationship with another individual can become an obsession - especially in a world where we don’t know how to be on our own, or how to develop a relationship with ourselves. Perhaps you want to understand how to manifest someone to like you, when in reality, you’re being given the opportunity to learn how to fall in love with yourself. 

The saying “Love is blind” is often used, but being obsessed with finding that specific person can cause blindness also. We can love the idea of something, and it’s possible to confuse this with the actual feeling of love itself. Often we can tell ourselves that we’re in love with a person, and we feel the need to believe it, so that we don’t have to face the fear of what it means to be alone.

Spending time exploring your thoughts and emotions around being in a relationship can open up new possibilities and opportunities to find and attract the ‘one’. In my experience, when we get to know ourselves, develop self-care and self-love, it’s incredible how we begin to attract people, and see genuine changes in our life’s form.

When we understand our mind, body and emotions for where we are now in life, and are feeling good and content, we can be comforted that it’s time to finish one chapter in our lives and start a new one. It can be difficult to attract a new person into your life if past individuals, or the mental or emotional stress from previous relationships, are still lingering around you.

The faster you can understand and clear any limiting beliefs, the faster you can find and attract and meet the ‘one’. Until then, there is often a chance of prolonging the process, which is what other articles and books usually don’t mention. You might like to focus on visualising exactly what it is that you want in the person you’re trying to attract into your life. Creating vision boards and focusing during meditation are great ways to raise your vibrations, and can offer positive effects when it comes to manifesting your dreams. 

What does it mean to manifest someone?

Many people have had that little experience of thinking of another person and then all of a sudden you may receive a text or a phone call from them. Often we’re left feeling or thinking “that’s strange”. This occurs with people that we have established a connection with and are in alignment with. It’s when two people are thinking about each other ‘unknowingly’ yet immediately connect. 

If you want to experience this more often, especially with someone you have an interest in, there are a number of points to take into consideration. To build the foundation of any new friendship or relationship it’s safe to say the connection is key. For there to be efficient communication it takes two people to be ready to connect and get to know one another.

If you are trying to manifest a text or a call from a complete stranger, it’s safe to say that it’s going to be increasingly difficult as there is no previous connection or communication established. A simple connection with the person is better than none at all.

Even when a connection is established, it’s important to remember that there are two people involved - yourself, and of course the other person. This means that if you both have different intentions and messages that you are both putting out into the world, then you can understand how the process can be a little more complicated!

Meaning, if you are searching for a relationship/friendship with them but they aren’t searching for that at this time in their lives, then these are two conflicting intentions. How can they receive or act upon something that they are not currently searching for or are not yet ready to receive for themselves?

If these intentions/messages both align you can expect immediate results, but if they don’t align the process could take a little more time. It can be beneficial to put an intention out there but try not to be disheartened if the result isn’t quite as quick as you expected.

Steps to manifesting someone you want:

  1. Fully Understand Your Intention Before Acting

    We all have intentions, wants and needs, yet we don’t often ask why we have them or what’s driving them. Close your eyes for a moment and ask yourself, why do you want to manifest a new love into your life? It’s extremely important to do some self-exploration first before engaging with another person.

    If you’re not ready mentally, emotionally or physically for another relationship you will find it will only be increasingly difficult to attract the ‘one’ into your life. In order to learn how to manifest, in this case, the manifestation of love - It’s always better to take your time and explore instead of rushing into anything as this could actively make your life more challenging.

  2. Do You Like Them or Do You Like the Idea of Them?

    Understanding the ‘why’ will eventually lead the perfect someone to you. Many people have found themselves in relationships in the past when the person had ticked most of the boxes they have been searching for. However, they felt that something was missing in regards to a connection with the other person.

    Often we go through these lessons to learn the importance of emotional connectivity with another. If that is something that is missing from day one, this is one of the biggest indicators of what the relationship will look like moving forward, even if they tick the other boxes of what you’re rationally searching for.

    If you get the feeling that something isn’t right, often it isn’t. Learn to listen and trust this instinct. Try not to allow the fear of being alone to drive the decision to be with another - as you’ll still feel alone on the inside.

  3. Trust Your Instincts

    It’s important that when you see a red flag in another person you ensure that you note it. Being overly positive can blind you to some of the realities of your energy, and maybe the universe is trying to show you that the person in front of you is not the one that you maybe think they are. The key is to be optimistic and balanced based on what you’re feeling and the realities of what you’re seeing in front of you.

    When you understand yourself and love to be in your own company, people often fall in love with this self-confidence. To get to this place, we often need to explore, deal with, and let go of our fears, doubts and deep need for us to be loved by another.

    We can learn to love ourselves and receive love from another too. But we often have learned that love from another should be prioritised when in fact love for ourselves should come first and more often than not the other will follow. This is the path to a successful manifestation.

  4. Trusting in Life’s Journey

    The final step when it comes to how to manifest love. We must trust and accept that life has brought each and every person into our lives to date, and we need to understand that this process won’t change moving forward. Each person that comes into our lives will teach us more about ourselves than we could ever do if we were to do this journey on our own.

    It’s important not to rush the process but to take a step back to enjoy and to trust it. If the ‘one’ isn’t in our lives yet it’s simply because the timing isn’t in alignment with you both.

    Remember there are two people involved and both leading as important lives as each other. Learning to trust your own journey will lead you to manifest a specific person you will be able to trust moving forward.

Exploring how to manifest love further

If you are interested in manifesting a new love into your life, then spiritual coaching can assist you in gaining clarity, and strengthening that connection with yourself. You can find out more about how we can support you on your journey here: spiritual coaching services.


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