Gareth Michael

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Beginner’s Guide to The 7 Chakras

It’s no surprise in our busy world that many of us are finding ourselves feeling unbalanced. Our busy lives leave us forgetting to be present, and that we are so much more than our physical body. Could learning about our chakra system be the key to boosting our health and happiness?

We’ve put together a beginner’s guide to the 7 chakras, where you will learn more about what each chakra does, where it's found in the body, and how you can unblock them. Read on to discover more about the 7 chakras for beginners.

The 7 Chakras Explained

Our Chakra system contains 7 energy centers within the body, which all work with one another to keep our energy balanced and flowing. Each of the chakras vibrates a different colour and energy, and you can find these displayed on a chakra chart. These centres of energy sit in the subtle energy field, and run along the spine, beginning at the base of the spine right up to the top of the head. Each one affects the other, so if one is out of balance, it can cause issues that affect our spiritual, emotional, physical and mental health.

Here is a quick guide to your 7 chakras:

Root Chakra

The Root Chakra, also known as Chakras Muladhara, is the first of the energy centres. Located in the base of the spine, it keeps your energy connected with the earth and is connected to the color red. This chakra is heavily linked to survival, feeling safe, and having your most basic needs met. To awaken it, immerse yourself in nature or listen to grounding music.

Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second chakra in our energy system. It is located in the pelvic/sacral area, and vibrates as the color orange. It symbolises creativity, connection and pleasure, so to activate this chakra, try a yoga class that can teach you sacral-opening poses. Prioritising self love and self care will help to get the energy flowing through this chakra.

Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra, the Solar Plexus, lies between the tummy and chest. This yellow-coloured energy centre represents how we show up in the world. If you are looking to feel confident or boost self esteem, then freeing up the energy in this area will help you to feel emotionally balanced and more powerful from within. Try taking action to limit procrastination, or changing up your energy by doing something different.

Heart Chakra

The fourth energy centre is located in the heart and symbolises empathy, compassion and kindness. Love is the most healing vibration of all, so when this chakra is blocked it can lead to problems in the physical body, as well as emotional issues. To get the energy flowing again, you can use visualisation to open the chakra. Focus on visualising a green ball of light in the chest, which expands outwards.

Throat Chakra

Next is the Throat Chakra, which is located in the centre of the throat. It is connected with speaking our truth and can become blocked when we suppress emotions. To open this up, use singing or chanting and allow the vibrations to get the energy flowing again.

Third Eye Chakra

The sixth chakra is the Third Eye Chakra and is connected with the color indigo. This centre of wisdom helps us to feel in tune with something bigger than our physical self. You can open the Third Eye Chakra by consciously opening your mind, and practising using your intuitive and psychic abilities.

Crown Chakra

The seventh and highest chakra is the Crown Chakra, which is located at the crown of the head. It connects us to everything in the Universe and exists beyond the ego. Characterised by purple, a balanced crown chakra can be challenging to achieve. To activate it, practice silencing the mind through breathing techniques or meditation, and include the vibration of purple in your life wherever you can.

How to Unblock Your Chakras

For the energy in our body to flow freely, each chakra needs to be working at optimum level. When one chakra is unbalanced it can cause the others to go out of balance too. It is quite usual for blockages to occur, so it’s really useful to keep a check on imbalances, so that we can assist our own healing.

Our energy system is very sensitive and can be affected by many factors, including our diet, lifestyle and even our thought patterns. We can learn to identify when a chakra is blocked, or spinning at too slow or fast a rate. Here are some of the common physical and emotional symptoms that you might experience if your chakra system is blocked or out of balance:

  • Headaches and tension

  • Feeling stuck in life

  • Emotional imbalances

  • Feeling ungrounded

  • Moodiness and volatility

  • Sinus issues

  • Feeling not good enough

  • Feeling in fear

  • Throat problems

  • Difficulty making decisions

There are many ways to open and clear the body’s energy system. Some of our favourite suggestions are:

  • Connecting with nature - This is particularly good for the lower chakras so spend time outdoors to open these chakras to the earth’s grounding energy.

  • Yoga postures - Releasing stagnant energy through movement is a great way to rebalance the chakras.

  • Mudras - Similarly to yoga postures, mudras can help to shift stuck energy and blockages within our energy field.

  • Meditation - You can use meditation to focus on rebalancing the energy flowing through your chakras.

  • Mantras - Mantras such as ‘Om’ are regularly used to help rebalance energy centres. These can also be used during meditation to balance the energy.

  • Visualisation - Just as with meditation, visualisation provides a powerful focus for unblocking chakra energy.

  • Sound healing - Sound carries a powerful vibration that resonates with the energy of the chakras, and has the ability to shift any blocks.

Rebalancing your energy

This guide has hopefully given you a good insight into the 7 chakras for beginners. If you’d like to learn more about your subtle energy body and how it impacts your health and wellbeing, then spiritual coaching sessions will hold space for you to learn how to work with your chakra system more deeply. Get in touch today to book your free consultation and discuss your own individual needs.